Local Authority Consumption Accounts


Is the data free to use and download?

Yes, there is no charge for anyone to use the website and download the data and charts. We do ask that you acknowledge LACA as the source of the data.

Will you update it forever – we have a ten-year target that relies on these figures?

Yes, as long as we calculate the official UK footprint results for Defra, we will be able to calculate the lower-level geographies. University of Leeds has calculated the Defra figures for the past 12 years.

Are these 'official results'? How do they compare to other available calculations of Local Authority Footprints?

These results are the only figures which use the same methodology and data sets and directly add up to the latest official UK Carbon Footprint. This means that any demand-based policies generated at a national level are applicable to smaller geographies.

How do you really calculate them?

Please see the methodology document with all the data sources and calculations available on the LACA website.

I want more detail and a bespoke report – how do I get that?

We do not have the resource at University of Leeds to do this for all 430+ Local Authorities. The website was designed to try and reduce requests we receive for this work and produce a national standardised approach.

I want the footprint for a bespoke geography – how do I get that?

We do not have the resource to produce bespoke area-based results – unless they are the sum of 2 or more Local Authorities. If your area is the sum of several local authorities drop us an email and we'll see what we can do.

Where is the data for Northern Ireland's lower-level geographies?

The household classification system that we use to estimate household expenditure (see methods document) is not available in NI so we are unable to disaggregate further.

Will changes made in my area be reflected in next year's release?

Changes to household home energy use as a result of a retrofit campaign (for example) will show up in the dataset that we use to disaggregate the UK's direct home energy emissions. All other consumption information is based on regional household typologies from the Living Costs and Food Survey. This means that changes in one specific LA are unlikely to show up in my calculations of expenditure shares.

When can I see this year's figures?

There is a time lag of 3 years so 2023 will be available in 2026.

Do you calculate projections?

The team at Leeds has done some work on national level projections but not at the local level.

How do I contact you to find out more information?

You can send an email to Anne Owen.